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woman, young, smilling, close-up shot, brazilian, brown hair, hazel eyes

Hello student,

It is so nice to meet you!
My name is Marcella.
I am from Sao Paulo - Brazil.
I have been a passionate & dedicated teacher since 2002.
I've helped so many students to reach their goals... I can't wait to help you too!

Olá estudante,

Que prazer conhecê-lo!
Meu nome é Marcella.
Sou de São Paulo, Brasil.
Tenho sido uma professora apaixonada e dedicada desde 2002.

Já ajudei tantos alunos a atingirem seus objetivos... Mal posso esperar para ajudar você também!

My Story

     My first time in a classroom was in 2001, as a teacher assistant. The classroom was packed with about thirty energetic 6-year-old students... It was difficult and at the same time delightful. I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. Ask my little brother whom I "forced" to play school with me, every single day! 


       From my graduation in 2002, I followed up with a post-grad degree in 2007 and an MD. in 2009.

When I moved to Canada, I restarted my career betting on my skills, my passion for this field, and the confidence that I would be able to teach using a second language. Since January 2014 I've worked passionately in my own tutoring business: MD Tutoring Services. Fast forwarding to 2018 when I happily attained another degree in British Columbia and here I am, doing what I love and loving what I do.


     During the 1st year of the pandemic, I offered free online lessons to keep people busy & entertained - including myself. It was a very difficult time. Later, I had to put all the lessons on hold and I had to re-evaluate and restart from scratch. 


     Today, I am working 100% remotely. I have students from Mexico, Colombia, U.S., Australia & Canada, and I am looking forward to showing the world how Brazilian Portuguese is a beautiful language. Meanwhile, I'd love to show how AMAZING Brazil is, including its people & culture!  

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow

belongs to those who prepare for it today.” 

- Malcolm X

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